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The Cancer Discovery Hub strives to be at the forefront of cutting-edge cancer research, enabling preclinical therapeutic development and supporting clinical trials for biomarker discovery. Our flagship research programmes include:

  • Integrative Pan-omics and Biomarker Discovery” – enabling the seamless interrogation of the genome, transcriptome, immunome, epigenome and metagenome. Emerging single-cell and spatial omic platforms (e.g. 10X Chromium and Visium) are also in active deployment.

  • Project PRESCIENT” is our pre- and early-cancer detection programme aimed at developing novel assays to discover biomarkers in liquid specimens, including cell-free DNA methylation signatures.

  • "PMAC Catalog houses an ever-growing collection of patient-derived models of Asian cancers, including mice xenografts, cell-lines and organoids for tumour modeling and drug screening. Patient-derived tumour models retain the genomic and phenotypic profiles of their original tumours and are thus excellent tools for understanding the molecular pathobiology of cancers and for pre-clinical drug testing.

  • "STARLIGHT Initiative  is a translational research program aiming to comprehensively investigate the molecular and immune pathobiology of rare cancers, with particular interest in profiling their clinically-actionable target landscape for precision therapy. By “Steering Translational Rare Cancer Research into the Light”, the initiative hopes to increase the molecular understanding of rare cancers and eventually improve clinical outcomes of this group of diseases with unmet clinical need.

Our laboratory is able to provide integrated clinical and technical input from expert clinicians and scientists from our partner institutions. For all service collaborations, we encourage an initial discussion on study feasibility, experimental design, manpower requirements, project costs, specific needs and deeper collaboration opportunities.


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